Mason student hit by vehicle: Currently in the hospital, condition unknown

by   Posted on April 5th, 2010 in Uncategorized

By Ethan Vaughan, Asst. News Editor

A George Mason University student was left in critical condition after being struck by a car on campus last Monday.

Michelle Dawson, 21, was taken to Inova Fairfax Hospital after she was hit at approximately 9:35 p.m. on the night of March 29. The driver, Jeffrey Jenkins, a 23-year-old non-Mason student, was charged with failure to yield to a pedestrian. Mason police gave no indication that Jenkins had been speeding at the time of the accident, which occurred just in front of the campus police station.

“The vehicle remained on the scene,” Deputy Police Chief George Ginovsky said Friday. “[The driver] was cooperative and described what happened. The investigation is for all intensive purposes over.”

An unidentified individual made a cell phone call to the Fairfax County Public Safety Communications Center, which notified campus police. Officer Eric Aman responded to the accident.

Ginovsky said he was not aware of student complaints concerning the intersection, which some have said is dangerous and ought to be made safer with the installation of a stop sign or stoplight.

“I’m not prepared to make that recommendation,” Ginovsky said. “I don’t think it’s necessary.”

He nonetheless urged students to take common sense step towards ensuring their safety while on campus and preventing a repeat of the incident that took place last Monday.

“It’s just doing obvious things,” he said. “Look both ways, be careful while crossing the street.”

Dawson remains at Inova Fairfax Hospital. Mason police could not release any details of her current condition.

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