Governor Election Guide: Candidates Bob McDonnell and Creigh Deeds

by   Posted on November 5th, 2009 in Uncategorized

Amanda Cheek, News Editor

Since 2002, the office of Governor of Virginia has been held by a Democrat. Mark Warner won the election in 2002 and Tim Kaine has been in office since 2006. In this year’s election, Bob McDonnell seems to be in the lead. This gubernatorial election has also been considered to be representative of the country’s reaction to the presidency. Will the Republicans come back with a vengeance after Obama won the White House or will the Democrats hold strong with the support of the new president?

Both Warner and Kaine have made decisions that have affected the state of Virginia and its citizens, but how will the next governor continue or change those actions? On Nov. 3, Virginia will vote and we will see.

Bob McDonnell

Higher Education
-Supports initiatives to Cut Textbook Costs by using digital resources such as Kindle
-100,000 Additional Associates and Bachelor’s Degrees over the Next 15 Years
-Comprehensive Workforce Training or Re-Training Led by Our Community Colleges

Energy Plan
-Explore and Drill for Oil and Natural Gas off Virginia’s Coast
-Support Virginia’s Coal and Nuclear Industries
-Support Alternative and Renewable Forms of Energy and make Virginia a “Green Jobs Zone”

-In Northern Virginia, widening I-66 inside the beltway, completing the I-495 HOT lane project on time and on budget
-Beginning the process of I-395 and I-95 HOT lanes to
Fredericksburg, rail to Dulles, high speed passenger rail and Route 7 improvements.

-Establish a Virginia Compact with Veterans
-Statewide Coordinated Effort to Help Military Vets Find Jobs
-Real estate tax relief for disabled vets

Trash Talk
-Called Deeds a “Negative Nancy” repeatedly. Also called Deeds a “meanie.”
“We had a good working relationship for three years, until his job came to be to beat the tar out of me,” McDonnell said.

Quote taken from:

Creigh Deeds

Higher Education
-Guaranteed loans for Virginia community college students.
-Increase need-based tuition assistance by at least $40 million.
-Establish a “Virginia Promise Fund” to curb tuition increases during tough economic times.

Energy Plan
-Adopt a mandatory renewal portfolio standard of 15 percent by 2020 and of 22 percent by 2025.
-Provide incentives for large-scale wind projects.
-Establish a 19 percent Energy Efficiency Standard.

-Expand freight and passenger rail.
-Utilize bus rapid transit.
-Expand the capacity of critical Hampton Roads water crossings and emergency evacuation routes.

-Support Virginia’s Wounded Warrior Program
-Build a world-class support network for veterans treatment
-Provide tax relief for disabled veterans

Trash Talk
-Checked McDonnell’s bibliographies on all his papers from grad school to fifth grade.
Deeds then responded: “I didn’t write when I was 34 years old that working women are a detriment to the family. I didn’t write when I was 34 years old that ought to be overturned. I didn’t write when I was 34 years old that contraception decisions ought to be subjected to the government.”

Quote taken from:

Information on candidates in topics other “Trash Talk” gathered from and Compiled by Amanda Cheek, News Editor.

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