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Spring Break Kiosks Pop Up: Students Encouraged to Stay Safe

by   Posted on March 1st, 2010 in Uncategorized

Sandra Evans, Broadside Correspondent Spring Break is a time for some fun in the sun amid a hectic, energy-draining spring semester; however, the special occasion has a bad reputation, with some college students making not-so-great decisions that can sometimes have very serious consequences. The Office of Alcohol, Drug & Health Education (OADHE) will set up […]

Mason Group Clashes with Mining Companies: Students Work to Pass ‘Stream Saver’ Bill

by   Posted on March 1st, 2010 in Uncategorized

Allison Rutledge, Broadside Correspondent Over the past month, members of George Mason University’s Environmental Action Group, or EAG, have been working hard to help pass legislation to protect streams and mountains in the commonwealth. One bill in particular, the “Stream Saver” bill, would stop coal companies from dumping surface mining waste into streams, effectively ending […]

Your Body is a Wonderland: Love Your Body Week Promotes Healthy Body Images

by   Posted on March 1st, 2010 in Uncategorized

Yasmin Tadjdeh, News Editor Last week, George Mason University celebrated Love Your Body Week. The week, which was hosted by the Eating Disorders and Positive Body Image Awareness Taskforce, aimed to encourage students to love themselves no matter what they look like. “Formerly known as Positive Body Image Awareness Week, Love Your Body Week coincides […]

Cuccinelli Files Lawsuit Against EPA: Attorney General Wants Virginia Out of Clean Air Act

by   Posted on March 1st, 2010 in Uncategorized

Nya Jackson, Broadside Correspondent With Virginia facing a deficit of $1.59 billion for the 2010-2011 biennial budget, one George Mason University organization alleged that Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is wasting taxpayers’ money with “frivolous lawsuits.” The Mason Environmental Action Group, or EAG, was referring to petitions the attorney general filed in federal appeals court in […]

Women’s History Month Begins: Events to Showcase the Contributions of Women

by   Posted on March 1st, 2010 in Uncategorized

Yasmin Tadjdeh, News Editor This month, students on campus will have the opportunity to learn more about the contributions of women to our society. The Women and Gender Studies Center will be hosting Women’s History Month at George Mason University this March. Through performances, art and seminars, officials involved in making Women’s History Month hope […]

McDonnell Order Does Not Protect Gays: Omission Based on McDonnell’s State Constitution Interpretation

by   Posted on March 1st, 2010 in Uncategorized  and tagged

Ethan Vaughan, Asst. News Editor Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell issued an executive order last month protecting state workers from discrimination, but one particular group was left out: gays and lesbians. McDonnell’s Feb. 5 order, issued a month after he took office, “specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, […]

Textbooks Allegedly Sold for Crack: Mason Police Bust Bookstore Theft Ring

by   Posted on March 1st, 2010 in Uncategorized  and tagged

Ethan Vaughan, Asst. News Editor The George Mason University Police Department broke up a theft ring at the university bookstore earlier this semester, busting an operation where textbooks were stolen from the school and allegedly sold for crack cocaine. On Jan. 28, Mason police arrested Sandra Reid, 43, and Brian Boyd, 33, both non-students who […]

New Century College to Hold Conference

by   Posted on February 22nd, 2010 in Uncategorized  and tagged

Ethan Vaughan, Asst. News Editor George Mason University’s Center of Consciousness Transformation, in conjunction with MasonLEADS, will host a Leadership and Positive Psychology Conference in SUB II on March 19. The conference is being organized by New Century College students taking NCLC 295, an events management class, and while it is “geared mainly for Mason’s undergrads,” […]

Workshop in Philosophy, Politics and Economics

by   Posted on February 22nd, 2010 in Uncategorized

Matthew Harrison, Broadside Correspondent George Mason University philosophy professors want to show students the different connections between politics, philosophy and economics. Dr. Peter Boettke, an economics professor at Mason, said the school’s weekly seminar touching on all three areas will integrate the topics. “Increased specialization in these subjects has isolated them from what they were […]

Healthy Relationships Week Starts: Aims to Educate Students on Good Relationships

by   Posted on February 22nd, 2010 in Uncategorized

Sandra Evans, Broadside Correspondent The life of a college student is hard enough with the endless amount of assignments and exhausting overnight cramming sessions, but knowing how to maintain positive and healthy relationships is a vital skill. With an MTV-show theme and the tagline “Rock Your Relationships,” George Mason University’s Sexual Assault Services is planning […]